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Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti
What We Do ?

As the title of our Organisation suggests, we are actively involved in saving our citizens from  financial, physical, mental and sexual exploitation being done by Charltans like fake Babas, Gurus etc. of irrespective of the religions of the Babas or their exploited followers.  We help people in filing cases against such Babas.  But thats not all. Our activities include: 

  1. Organisation awareness programmes in Schools, Colleges, Religious events, Social events and make people aware about the so called miracles performed by the fake Babas. The miracles are performed by our Activists and the secret is revealed later at the end of programme. This eliminates the fear among the people. 

  2. Organising lecture with practicals of spreading Scientific Temperament, the fundamental Constitutional duty of every Citizen.  

  3. Awareness programmes for Adolescent Boys and Girls about the physical, mental changes and challenges being faced by them while attaining puberty.  

  4. Our, 'Selecting the Partner rationally' programme makes young boys and girls aware about how to select a partner. 

  5. Environment friendly substitute for festivals: Environment friendly Ganesh Festival, Holi, Crackerless Diwali-Christmas-New year campaigns are organised. Snake Awareness programmes clear misunderstandings about Snakes.  Anti Addiction Drive is obseved during the last week of December. We are glad that the Government of Maharashtra has fallen in line with our Campaigns and they also issue instructions for observing Environment friendly Ganesh Festival, Holi, Crackerless Diwali. 

  6. Campaign for women's equal right and security are organised throughout the state. 

  7. We initiated and vigorously followed up for the Anti Black Magic Act in the State of Maharashtra. After the murder of our Founder Executive President Dr. Narendra Dabholkar, this law was passed. India became the first state to pass such Lae. ​

  8. We initiated the agitations for passing Anti Social Boycott Act to avoid tremendous atrocities being committed by the Panchas of the Jaat Panchayat (Khap Panchayat.) The Law was passed at our insistance. 

  9. We organise Constitution Awareness programmes, Marches etc. to spread awareness about our Constitution. 

Our Organisation works within the framework of our Constitution and all the programmes, agitations are carried out peacefully and without affecting general public in any manner. 

​Area of operation of Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti (MANS)

As the title of the Organisation suggests, Maharashtra State is the main area of operation of MANS.  MANS works through 350 Branches in all the 36 Districts of Maharashtra State. MANS carries out its activity without any Government Grants or any International Aid. MANS is the only organization of this type in Asia, which works purely with the support of Public.However, MANS is active in Goa and Belagavi (Karnataka State) since its inception. MANS is having its National and International Co-ordination Department. Through this Department, MANS is connected with other Organisations and Institutions in the States of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, which are working for eradication of superstitions or  for similar purpose. MANS exchanges information about the thoughts and work with these organisations. MANS also plays role of a guide to the similar organisations   and assists them in spreading awareness about our thoughts. 

​Guidance from MANS is sought  at International level as well. MANS has extended guidance and advice for enacting Law against Human Sacrifices in Uganda.

MANS is a joint Petitioner to the petition filed at UN by a few International Organisations requesting UN to pass a Resolution asking member Nations to pass a Law on protecting women against the atrocities casued to them by branding them a Witch. The said Resolution is Passed. 
​The Other types of work of eradication of superstitions, in which you can participate.
  1. Many books on eradication of superstitions are available with us. You can buy those books.

  2. You can become a subscriber of ‘Andhshraddha Nirmulan Patrika’, house magazine of MANS.

  3. You can help this work by giving monetary donations.

  4. You can organize programmes of eradication of superstitions at your known places (like Schools, Colleges, Women’s Organisations, Youth Organisations, villages, hamlets).

  5. You can remain present and participate in the programmes on eradication of superstitions.

  6. You can send this brochure to your friends, relatives, who follow these thoughts and request them to participate  in this work.

  7. You can organize a Workshop on Eradication of Superstition at the places known to you.

Our Divisions
  • Anati Fake-Godmen Division

  • Various Campaigns Division

  • Scientific Awareness Education Project 

  • Women Participation Division

  • Publication and Distribution Division

  • Youth Participation Division

  • Psychological Health Management Division

  • Scientific Awareness Vehicle Project

  • Cultural Expression Division

  • Social Media Division

  • Training Division

  • National and International Division

  • Funds Management Division

  • Legal Management Division 

  • Office Management Division

  • Abolition of Caste Division

  1. Caste Panchayat Burrial Campaign

  2. Inter-Caste, Inter Religion, Satyashodhak Marriage

  3. Rational Selection of Partner

  • House Magazine Division

  1. Andhshraddha Nirmulan Patrika

  2. Thought with Action

  3. Vichar Kruti Patrika

Just Click on the following links to know more about Divisions
पर्यावरणपूरक होळी अभियान लातूर (1).jpeg
Various Campaigns Division
Scientific Awareness Education Project 
वैज्ञानिक जाणिवा प्रकल्प कार्��यक्रम, नंदुरबार.jpg
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-30 at 22.02.30.jpg
Women Participation Division
Youth Participation Division
WhatsApp Image 2023-09-30 at 21.55.34.jpg
जोडीदाराचे विवेकी निवड कार्यशाळा गडचिरोली.jpeg
Rational Selection of Partner
Caste Panchayat Burrial Campaign
Mishr vivah.jpg
Mixed Marriage Management Division
Training Division
पृथ्वीमोलाचा माणूस, शहीद डॉ. नरेंद्र दाभोळकर.jpg
Vivek Jagar Publication
Andhshraddha Nirmulan Patrika 
अंधश्रद्धा निर्मूलन समिती पत्रिका_edited.jpg
House Magazine Management Division
Thought with Action
Mental health.jpg
Pshychological Health Management Division
Scientific Awareness Vehicle Project 
Science Van.jpg
सॉक्रेटिस ते दाभोलकर-पानसरे व्हाया तुकाराम पनवेल शाखा.jpg
Cultural Expression Division
Using Mobile Phones
Social Media Management Division
Social Media.jpg
Funds Management Division
National and International Co-ordination Division
Jadutona Pratibandh.jpg
Samajik bahishkar kayada.jpg
Legal Management Division
Documents Collection Division
Office Management Division
Vivek Vahini Division

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  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Whatsapp

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