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Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti
Life and Events

Dr. Narendra Achyut Dabholkar
Date of Birth: 1 st November, 1945
Education – M.B.B.S. (1970)
Medical Profession – 1970 to 1982
Founder – Samajwadi Yuvak Dal, Satara (1975)
Member – Samata Andolan
Maharashtra (1982 to 1985)

  • 12 years in Medical Profession after acquiring the Degree in 1970.

  • Full time activist of Movement since 1982.  

  • Active participation in ‘One Village One Pond’, ‘Renaming of Marathwada University’ etc

  • Work of eradication of superstitions since 1982 till end of his life.

  • Worked relentlessly against all types of superstitions by way of Awareness, Formation and Struggle.

  • Wrote 12 books on Superstitions, Scientific Temper, Rationalism. Many Editions were published.

  • Founded Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti in 1989. Remained Executive President of it,  continuously for 20 years.  

  • Delivered thousands of speeches on Psychological Health, Rational life - style. Participated in hundreds of Radio and TV Channels Programmes and penned  hundreds of Articles in print media.

  • Editor of ‘Sadhana’ for 16 years, A Weekly magazine established by Sane Guruji. 

  • Secretary of the Trust which Publishes ‘Sadhana’.

  • Founded ‘Parivartan Vyasanamukti Kendra’ (De-addiction Centre) at Satara in 1989. He was firm on his view that Addiction is a Mental Illness and to contain it we must go for comprehensive awareness, restrictions, resistance and treatment. 

  • Founder  of ‘Samajik Krutadnyata Nidhi’ (Social Gratitude Fund), an Organisation which provides financial assistance  to full-time social workers. Remained Executive Secretary till end of his life.

  • International Kabaddi player. Was selected to represent India against Bangladesh for playing Kabaddi Test Matches.

Work of Eradication of Superstitions –

As a Founder of Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti and Executive President of it for 21 continuous years, he played a major role in the entire work of eradication of superstition in Maharashtra. Of course, looking at the comprehensive nature of work, his co-workers also played an important role in this work.

Review of this work-

  1. He was having 2 Dispensaries and a Hospital in 1982, which he shut down and became full-time activist of this Movement. He carried out this work continuously for more than three decades. During this period, he never accepted any Honorarium from the Organisaion. For 30 years he was travelling to different places by spending 20 to 22 days every  month for the work of Organisation.

  2. During this period, he delivered at least 3000 lectures on Scientific Temperament, Eradication of Superstitions, Rationalism, Secularism etc.

  3. He wrote numerous books on Scientific Temperament and Eradication of Superstitions and the same were published by renowned Publishers. These Marathi books  are (Marathi Title and English meaning thereof are given  in the bracket)  as under –

भ्रम आणि निरास(Delusion and Solution), अंधश्रद्धा प्रश्नचिन्ह आणि पूर्णविराम (Superstitions, Question Mark and Full Stop), अंधश्रद्धा विनाशाय (Annihilation of Superstitions), विचार तर कराल (Please think), श्रद्धा – अंधश्रद्धा (Faith – Blind Faith), ठरलं डोळस व्हायचं(Decided to turn un-blind), ऐसे कैसे झाले भोंदू (How these Charlatans came?) , लढे अंधश्रद्धेचे भाग - १, २, ३ (Fights against Superstitions, Part 1,2,3), विवेकाची पताका घेऊन खांद्यावरती (Carrying a flag of Rationalism on the shoulder), तिमिरातून तेजाकडे - अंधश्रद्धा निर्मूलनाचे समग्र आकलन (From the Dark to the Light – Understanding thoroughly, the Eradication of Superstitions).

  1. Hundreds of Articles were published in most of the main newspapers in Maharashtra, during 30 years.

  2. Many interviews and Programmes, independently or jointly, related to Superstitions were broadcasted on different Channels.

  3. One MP2 Audio CD containing 10 main speeches is released.

  4. Numerous news items were published in newspapers. Participated in campaigns like - fight against Godmen and  improper traditions, stopping animal sacrifice during Religious Fairs, promoting and arranging Satyashodhak method  Marriages which are free of Caste-Dowry-Priest-Auspicious Days-Expenditure,  Environment friendly Holi festival, Pollution-free Diwali, Restriction pollution being caused by emersion of Ganesha idol and many fights regarding scrutiny of religion.

Awards Received –

  1. Only person to receive Maharashtra State level two Awards, Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Award and Shiv Chhatrapati Youth Award.

  2. Received Best Book writer Award by Maharashtra State on THREE occasions for three different books.    (अंधश्रद्धा : प्रश्नचिन्ह आणि पूर्णविराम, ऐसे कैसे झाले भोंदू व अंधश्रद्धा विनाशाय या पुस्तकांना.) In addition to this, received many awards from renowned Institutions.

  3. Many Social Institutions awarded Certificate of Honour.

  4. The Best Activist of the Decade Award by Maharashtra Foundation, New Jersey, US. The Award amount of Rs.10 lakhs was donated by Dr. Dabholakar to Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti.

Padmashree Award (Posthumously) by Govt. of India in the year 2014.       

Prominent qualities of Dr.Narendra Dabholkar as a great leader :

A good comrade, having personal rapport with every ground level activist.

 He practised simple living throughout his life.
He usually travelled by relatively cheap State Transport Bus; avoiding the alternative luxurious mode and preferred to stay at activists' homes, while on tour. 

A great motivator who gave boost to various capabilities of activists and encouraged everyone to give one's best to the society.

He firmly believed in successor planning for the Organisation at an appropriate time. Accordingly, he built up second line of young leadership in the Organisation and handed over the charge to the young deserving generation i.e.Mr.Avinash Patil in June 20

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