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Organisational Structure of MANS

Founder of MANS, Late Dr. Narendra Dabholakar has created a foolproof, sustainable Organisational Structure and Election System based on Democratic values and understanding.  There are three layers in the organisation:
1) Branch ​                               2) District                                  3) State

Branch is the Basic working Unit of MANS and it works through 350 Branches in all the 36 Districts of Maharashtra State. MANS carries out its activity without any Government Grants or any International Aid. MANS is the only organization of this type in Asia, which works purely with the support of Public.

Let us Understand the 1st Layer the Branch and the Types of Branches!

Lead Branch:

This is the active and Leading Branch in a District. This Branch is self-reliant in many aspects and assists-guides other Branches. Takes Lead

This type of the Branch conducts regular meetings (Weekly/ quarterly),executes campaigns of MANS and which is always active.

Active Branch:

Enterprising Branch:

The Branch which does not conducts meeting regularly, but executes occasional Activities of MANS.

Link (Contact) Branch:

Link Branch does not conduct meetings or executes any activity. Only Contact persons are available here. Such Branches are called Link or Contact Branch.

Now let us understand about the Types of Activists who work on ground level 

1. Active  Activist

  1. He is directly active in organizational work.

  2. After own health, Family, Business or Service the next propriety for him is the Organisation.

  3. Attends most of the Branch Meetings. Gives time, labor and money for the  organization. Accepts various responsibilities. Is active office-bearer of the Organisation. 

2. ​Well-Wisher Activist

He is the supporter of thought and work of the organization. He may not necessarilybe active on regular basis. He extends whatever possible help and supports organization. He can be designated as President, Vice-President, Guide.

3. Active on Personal Level  

Where there is no Branch of MANS, but may be a single person is working on spreading thoughts of the Organisation, such person is Active Activist on Personal Level. However, it is expected that as soon as possible, he should open a Branch of the Organisation at that place. Where a Branch of MANS is already available, no person can become such an Active Activists at Personal level.

Election Process at Branch level

Branch Level Committee includes the designations of President, Vice President, Executive President, Secretary and Heads of Various Departments. It is elected for ONE calender year during the First Week of the respective year by following the procedure set down by Late Dr. Narendra Dabholkar. Willingness of the Activists is always given top priority.  District level Office bearer's presence as an observer is necessary. 

Second Layer: The Districts

District Level Committee includes the designations of President, Vice President, Executive President, Secretary and Heads of Various Departments. It is elected for TWO years by the Committe members of all the Branches of the respective district, following the procedure set down by Late Dr. Narendra Dabholkar. Willingness of the Activists is always given top priority. The activists who have adequate experience at Branch level, are eligible to become a candidate at District leval election.  State level Office bearer's presence, as an observer is necessary. 

District level Committee is the link between the State Level Committee and the Branch. It monitors the Branches in its jurisdiction. It conducts training workshops for activists. It conducts District Level Meetings at least in every quarter and afte every State Level Committee meetings.    

Top (third) Layer: The State

State Level Executive Committee members include the Honourary posts of President and Vice-Presidents. The Executive Posts include Executive President, State Chief Secretary, State General Secratary, Heads, Sub-heads of various Divisions, Editorial Board of the House Magazine. 

This Committee is elected for THREE years when the Extended State Executive Meeting is organised during Last week of may or first week of June. 

For smooth functioning of the organisation, the decision making and implementation, Late Dr. Narendra Dabholkar has created three Committees with its composition as given below: 

1) Executive Committee (EC) : This Comprises of Executive President, all the State Chief Secretaries and all the State General Secretaries and special invitees, when necessary. 

2) State Executive Committee (SEC): This comprises all the State Level Committee members elected during the State level election process, all the District Executive Presidents and Secretaries and special invitees. This Committee meets three times during a year. 

3) Extended State Executive Committee (ESEC): In addition to (2) above, this committee includes all the Branch Executive Presidents and Secretaries. This Committee meets once a year during May last week-June first week. ​​​​​​

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